Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Coffee - To Freeze Or Not To Freeze? by: Dean Caporella

It was 6am and I'd just arrived at my local gym. As I walked into the entrance area I sensed that smell of all smells wafting across the foyer - the fine aroma of a well brewed coffee. It was my favorite part of the day.

I wandered over to the cafe run by two close friends of mine, Tim and Jason and dispensed with my greeting in a usual cheerful manner. "Hi fellas. Give me one short black espresso straight up!" They looked at each other almost desparingly. Tim said, "How does he do it. No one should be happy at this time of the morning."

Yes, I was a morning person and loved it. My ritual was to have an espresso before I donned the workout gear and "hit the weights." I'm not sure about you but it works for me! Anyway, no one would have predicted what was to follow. Mornings are for "blowing off the cobwebs" aren't they? As I was about to take my first sip of coffee Tim asked, "So what's up?"

I responded, "Nothing, everything is perfect." There was a short pause. I suddenly remember an article I read two days ago in the local daily about the do's and don'ts of freezing coffee. I thought to myself..."These guys love talking coffee, I'll pose the question."

"Hey Tim, I've heard freezing coffee produces a better tasting drink and a superior aroma..." And before I could say anymore he chimed in with a loud and definite, "Rubbish, where did you hear that!"

"Oh oh," I thought, "I've touched a nerve." I paused briefly somewhat wounded by his response. "Hey, don't bite my head off. I'm just telling you what I read in the paper."

"You freeze coffee and you run the risk of it going stale,"he replied."Ever heard of "cold burn?"

"No," I said.. "Well, maybe. Is it like frost burn?"

By this time, Jason, who was listening in the background, couldn't stay out of the argument and interrupted me.."Dean, if you want to freeze your coffee go ahead. I recommend it." Tim butted in and said sarcastically, "Oh yeah, why is that expert?"

I had started something. "Hey, who knows," I thought. "If this continues on I may not need to go upstairs and work out."

Jason turned to Tim and in a quiet,contolled manner pointed out.. "Listen, you know and I know that freezing will significantly slow oxidation where as leaving coffee at room temperature will dilute the CO2."

Tim half chuckled and replied, "Where did you hear that. You know, you jump onto every new fad that comes along."

Jason was quick to hit back, "It's not a fad. Believe me, you'll get a better tasting coffee if you put them in the freezer. You should listen to the real experts."

"Eggsperts more like it," Tim, turning away, said almost "under his breath."

"What was that," Jason asked curiously. "Did you say something?"

Tim responded, "So you like that horrible freezer taste do you?"

"No, I don't," Jason retorted. "Just use commonsense. You've got to make sure the bags are tightly sealed. The coffee will stay fresh."

"Fresh my..." and by the time Tim could finish I had to intervene. I couldn't believe such a heated debate could be caused over whether coffee was better frozen or left at room temperature. "Fellas, come on, let's not quarrel. You're both right," I suggested to them trying to make the peace. "Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to go."

As I walked upstairs to the weights room it suddenly struck me that here we have two guys, both long time baristas and who own their own cafe, yet have differing opinions on coffee. Personally, I always freeze my coffee, but that's just the way I like it. How about you?

About The Author

Dean Caporella is a professional Journalist and Sportscaster who takes a wide interest in a number of topics. Coffee is one of his favorite subjects. He's been drinking it since he could walk... "My mom used to make me warm milk with a dash of coffee. I loved to "dunk" biscuits in it. And you know what. I still do!"

Coffee is just about everyone's favorite drink topic. Almost daily there is a new study done somewhere in the world about why we should cut down on coffee. I love it. Visit my website at for all the latest news and info.

Visit Dean's website at for all the latest news and information on the world's favorite!


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